I’m Megan Macneill

Personal Brand Strategist 

Helping You be Front of Mind in Your Industry!

Personal Brand Coaching

Think of it like personal training (without the bur-pees). You know what you are trying to achieve, it is just so much quicker and easier with someone helping you get there, keeping you accountable and motivating you when it gets tough. 

Career Building

Most jobs and projects aren’t even advertised and a lot of the ones that are – sorry to break it to you – they are already earmarked for someone else. To scale, you need to be who they think of before they even know they need you! 

Helping You Get Noticed

The most important project you’ll ever take on. YOU!

The fact you have landed on this page is super exciting. It means you know exactly what you want and where you want to get to and you’re ready to start actively doing something about it. You are ready to become an authority in your industry.  Taking charge of your personal brand is a big deal.

The truth is that wither you do anything or not, you have a personal brand. Your personal brand is simply what other people say, feel and think about you based on any touch points they have had with you. You might not even be aware you’ve impacted them which is why we need to be intentional in everything we do online and offline.

Working with me will get you laser focused on your goals without sacrificing what is important to you. It isn’t an easy process or something that will happen over night – if it was everyone would be doing it! You must be as dedicated to the journey and process as you are to the end result. I can guarantee that things will change along the way. People, ideas, dreams, material objects – they all come and go. The only thing you will ever have full control over is you which is why it is so important that you take control of your personal brand in order to influence the narrative around you.

must have

A Personal Brand isn’t a nice to have. A Personal Brand is a must have, your title doesn’t cut it anymore. You can not simply be defined by what you do for a living. 


We will dig deep until we are crystal clear on what you actually want and why you want it. Let’s see if it is actually what you want or what other’s want for you.

Front of mind

We will develop avatars that best represent the people that you want to attract and be front of mind with.


We will develop the values you want to be known for and described by even when you leave the room. You need to be clear on what you represent in order to influence what others percieve to be important to you.


We will work on strategies to build your confidence no matter who you are put in front of.

Network Audit

Is your network your net worth or worthless to you? Don’t let another opportunity pass you by because your network didn’t realise it was something you could do.

Digital Audit

I will look objectively at all your digital assets and we will have a clean out before focusing on aligning your online and offline presence.

Going Online

We will trial social media platforms to decide which one/s suit your personality and the way you want to be portrayed. We will focus on LinkedIn, as a professional it is a must but you may want to add others.


There is still no stronger connection than one you make in person. However as the world becomes smaller and more relient on technology we will work on strategies to get in front of the right people both online and offline. This will include maximising your offline activies digitally.

Capacity Building

Building your capacity to ensure you are kicking your goals. Development requires new knowledge, new experiences and new ways of thinking

Goal Setting

First up we will establish what exactly it is that you want to achieve and why.

We will also look at your starting position and leverage past achievements, existing networks and gained skills and experience.

It is important to remember you aren’t starting from zero, you maybe just haven’t considered how valuable what you already have is. 

1:1 Personal Brand Coaching

This is the fun bit where we get to spend time together. This can be in person or virtually.

I will guide these to begin with but over time you will start to use them in a way in which you need them at the time.

All packages come with a minimum of three X one 1:1 sessions. 

Safe Space

Working with me is completely confidential and allows you the space to discuss sensitive issues or ideas without judgement or risk.

Sometimes you just need to bounce ideas with someone impartial who has no ulterior motive and your best interests at heart.

Working with your personal brand is just that – personal. Which is why I take good care of it.



It is so easy to get distracted and derail yourself with shiny new objects and ideas.

You are not a magpie! I am here to make sure you follow through with what you have promised yourself.

Here are the facts. You are 65% more likely to succeed when you commit your goal to someone else and it goes up to 95% when you have a formal check in process in place.

Who is Coaching For?

Personal Brand coaching is for you if you have skills, experience and knowledge in your industry or sector and want to become the go-to-person. You will need to have genuine passion in order to build and maintain a successful personal brand. I don’t do acting lessons, believe me when I say it is much harder to be someone you think people want rather than being yourself.

Personal brand coaching is basically business coaching where YOU are the business. Most success businesses have a strategy in place so why shouldn’t you? 

It isn’t for those who want to become internet famous. I mean, who am I to say it won’t happen but it certainly won’t be part of our game plan. 

What is the benefit of personal branding?

Where to start…

Personal branding grows trust, authority, credibility and awareness of you and what you are capable of. 

Personal branding gives you a much higher perceived value. People begin to be emotionally attached to you (brand) not just on an intellectual level (title) but on an intuitive level where they will find reasons to work with you. This increases your demand which increases your worth.

Intentional personal branding will position you as the go-to-person in your industry/sector/niche which will open the door to more of the right opportunities and have word of mouth propelling your brand for you. 

Building your personal brand will make you realise you don’t have competition. You seriously can’t have any competition. Sure others will have the same skills, experience and knowledge as you but they won’t be YOU. The whole point of building your personal brand is to attract the right people to you. Your offering will change time and time again as the world and market changes, you will be the only constant.  

What if I am really not confident enough to put myself out there?

Lack of confidence is one of the biggest hurdles for career and business progression but we aren’t going to let that stop us reaching your potential

I won’t be getting you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with but I will be pushing your boundaries.

You just need to be confident on what you are trying to achieve to start with. The rest will fall in to place as we progress. 

Honestly, you will be surprised how much confidence you will gain once we start working on you. 

Personal branding isn’t exclusive for extroverts. 

Do I have to have LinkedIn?

Simple answer – Yes.

It is 2020 and as a professional you need to be on LinkedIn. If COVID taught us one thing it is how important our digital presence is.

I won’t be working on sales techniques or bombarding people in the DMs with you but I will be helping you create a profile that is more of a high converting landing page than a resume. 

Doesn’t matter if you are an employee or business owner – your LinkedIn should be a digital representation of you. 

What if I don't know what I want?

Before we start working together you will need to have some idea of what you would like to achieve. 

Will it change over time? Probably. But you need to have a rough idea of why building your personal brand is important to you and what success looks like for you.

I don’t determine your goals, I help you find strategies and pathways to reach them. 

Can't I just do this on my own?

Of course you can. 

Think of it like having a personal trainer though. You are short cutting the path to success. The accountability, motivation and having someone on your team alone make it worth working with me! 

1:1 Personal Branding Coaching

minimum term of 3 months.

1:1 Personal Brand Coaching

  • For those who want to make an impact and become someone in their industry that can’t be ignored!
  • 3 x 1:1 sessions (1 hour) per month
  • Goal setting
  • Strategies to boost your profile online and offline
  • Investigation of current online presence
  • LinkedIn audit
  • LinkedIn content strategy
  • Assistance with communications
  • Unlimited review of content
  • Assistance with interviews or presentations
  • Accountability
  • Out of session progress nudges
  • Ad hoc phone calls
  • Ad hoc messages/emails
  • Min term 3 months

Working with Me

Scottish lass, living the dream in Western Australia, teaching people across the world how to position themselves and get noticed. Usually found on LinkedIn but I am partial to a good old scroll on Instagram too. 

I’m also the host of Personal Branding Exposed podcast where I get awesome people from around the world to tell us how their particular skill or niche feeds into personal branding. I also like debunking myths – like Personal branding is all about ego (wrong – you’ll need to listen or work with me to find out why)! 

I started Relevant because I wanted to use all the skills I had learned over the years working for not-for-profits and show people that not only not-for-profits do great things, companies and individuals do too. Everyone has a story worth sharing!

I have a no-nonsense approach, I will give you my advice and guidance but it is up to you to ensure that you implement what we work on. I will come into your life as an outsider and tell you exactly what I see – no sugar coating. That won’t help anyone.

I love working with passionate people – you must have an idea of where you want to get to in order for us to start laying the path.

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Start Getting Noticed Today!

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