
For Small Business 

59% of small businesses don’t have a website – surely you’re not one of them?


of small businesses don't have a website

Billions searchers are made on Google everyday


of people will stop engaging is a website in unattractive

in 5 small businesses doesn't use any digital marketing

Websites for small businesses

We get it, you are a small business and every penny counts. Websites are an expense you can’t afford… wrong!

The year is 2020 and believe us when we say You Need a Website!

Your website is your online calling card. 

There are 3.5 billion searches on Google made every day and this is growing about 10% every year. That means your customers are searching online… but are they finding you?

Okay, so you know the facts. How can we help you?

We put you online!

We don’t just create websites, we create websites that focus on your brand and make people look twice. We are talking attractive pages, with active calls to action which are easy to navigate (even for your Nan)! 

What makes a website Relevant?

1. Clean and Clear

Your website is yours and only yours – so make it all about what problem YOU are solving and who you are solving it for. 

2. Easy Navigation

Dead ends and no clear direction will drive potential clients straight off your site. 

3. Don’t Waste Time

Excellent, you have people visiting your site. So don’t waste the opportunity by wasting their time. You are competing with the rest of the web so make sure you are engaging and offering them value.   

4. Keep Your Visitors Safe

We only use WordPress frame works as we believe they are the safest off the self option. 

5. Customer Focused

Your site isn’t for you. You know what you do and how you do it. Your site is for your potential customers to understand more about you and how you can solve their problems. 

Small Businesses in Perth without websites.

There are 224,274 small businesses in WA.

75% based in Perth – so around 168,000!

And we know (according to GoDaddy that 59% of them don’t have a website.

So that means there are roughly 99,000 small businesses without a website!

    Get in touch and let's see how we can get you online.

    Do you already have a website?

    Do you need content written too?

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